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適用産業-Tire surface inspection
Tire surface inspection
Mount the C.C.D. on the electric cylinder. Use the character of equal-speed sliding to check the defects on the tire surface and report to the on-site worker immediately.
CTH5 / CTH10 / CTH12
適用産業-Surface treatment processing
Surface treatment processing
Mount the working piece on the electric cylinder and dip it into the solvents. Use the character of moving up and down, left and right at high speed to do the surface treatment processing.
CTH10 / CTH12 / CTH13
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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ECON ROBOT INC. TEL:+886 3-5526755  FAX:+886 3-5526163 所在地:新竹縣竹北市台元街22號3樓之2(台元科技園區D棟)